In academic journals and books.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Petriglieri, G. & Ashford, S.J. 2023. Theorizing gets personal: Management academia in the mirror of independent work. Organization Theory, 4 (1), 1-24. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. 2022. The work is alive! Systems psychodynamics and the pursuit of pluralism without polarization in human relations. Human Relations, 75 (8): 1431-1460. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Peshkam, A. 2022. Stranger leaders: A theory of marginal leaders’ conception of learning in organizations. Academy of Management Journal, 65 (4): 1240-1273. [download]
Leroy, H. L., Anisman-Razin, M., Avolio, B. J., Bresman, H., Stuart Bunderson, J., Burris, E. R., Claeys, J., Detert, J. R., Dragoni, L., Giessner, S. R., Kniffin, K. M., Kolditz, T., Petriglieri, G., Pettit, N. C., Sitkin, S. B., Van Quaquebeke, N., & Vongswasdi, P. 2022. Walking our evidence-based talk: The case of leadership development in business schools. Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies, 29 (1): 5–32. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. 2020. The return of the oppressed: A systems psychodynamic approach to organization studies. Academy of Management Annals, 14 (1): 411-449. [download]
Petriglieri, G. 2020. F**k Science!? An invitation to humanize organization theory. Organization Theory, 1 (1): 1-18. [download]
Petriglieri, G., Ashford, S.J. & Wrzesniewski, A. 2019. Agony and ecstasy in the ‘Gig Economy:’ Cultivating holding environments for precarious and personalised work identities. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64 (1), 124-170. [download]
Petriglieri, G., Petriglieri J.L. & Wood, J.D. 2018. Fast tracks and inner journeys: Crafting portable selves for contemporary careers. Administrative Science Quarterly, 63 (3), 479-525. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. 2015. Can business schools humanize leadership? Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14 (4), 625-647 [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Stein, M. 2012. The unwanted self: Projective identification in leaders’ identity work. Organization Studies, 33 (9), 1217-1236 [download]
Petriglieri, G., Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri J.L. 2011. Up close and personal: Building foundations for leaders’ development through the personalization of management learning. Academy of Management Learning and Education, 10 (3), 430-450 [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Petriglieri, J.L. 2010. Identity Workspaces: The case of business schools. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 9 (1), 44-60 [download]
Petriglieri, G. 2007. Stuck in a moment: A developmental perspective on impasses. Transactional Analysis Journal, 37 (3), 185-194 [download]
Petriglieri, G. 2005. In praise of loving ‘betrayal’: Reflections on the Steiner-Novellino letters and the life of behavioral science organizations. Transactional Analysis Journal, 35 (3), 285-290 [download]
Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri, G. 2005. Transcending polarization: beyond binary thinking. Transactional Analysis Journal, 35 (1), 31-39 [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Wood, J.D. 2003. The invisible revealed: Collusion as an entry to the group unconscious. Transactional Analysis Journal, 33 (4), 332-343 [download]
Book Chapters
Petriglieri, G. 2020. A psychodynamic perspective on identity as fabrication.In A. Brown (Ed.) The Oxford handbook of identities in organizations, 169-184. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [download]
Ibarra, H., Wittman S., Petriglieri, G., & Day, D.V. 2014. Leadership and identity. In D. Day, (Ed.) The Oxford handbook of leadership and organization, 285-301. Oxford: Oxford University Press. [download]
Petriglieri, G. 2011. Identity workspaces for leadership development. In: S. Snook, N. Nohria & R. Khurana (Eds.) The handbook for teaching leadership, 295-312. London: SAGE. [download]
Petriglieri, G. & Wood J.D. 2005. Learning for Leadership: The “Engineering” and “Clinical” Approaches. In: P. Strebel, P. and T. Keys (Eds.) Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, 140-154. London: Financial Times-Prentice Hall.
Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri, G. 2005. Fundamentals for a World-Class Leadership Programme. In: P. Strebel, P. and T. Keys (Eds.) Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, 364-380. London: Financial Times-Prentice Hall.
Petriglieri, G. & Wood, J.D. 2005. Beyond “fun and games”: Outdoor Activities for Meaningful Leadership Development. In: P. Strebel, P. and T. Keys (Eds.) Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, 252-266. London: Financial Times-Prentice Hall.
Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri, G. 2005. On Coaches, Counsellors, Facilitators and Behavioural Consultants. In: P. Strebel, P. and T. Keys (Eds.) Mastering Executive Education: How to Combine Content with Context and Emotion, 155-169. London: Financial Times-Prentice Hall.
Wood, J.D. & Petriglieri, G. 2004. The Merchandising of Leadership. In S. Chowdhury (Ed.) Next Generation Business Handbook. New Strategies from Tomorrow’s Thought Leaders, 200-219. Toronto: John Wiley & Sons.
Commentaries, Book Reviews, & Edited Collections
Petriglieri, G. in press. ChatGPT might displace inductive scholars—but it will not replace us. Journal of Management Inquiry [download]
Lee Cunningham, J.J., Cable, D.M., Petriglieri, G., Sherman, D.K. 2023. New advances in self-narratives in, across, and beyond organizations. Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 176, 104254. [download].
Petriglieri G. 2020. Book review essay: Nostalgia and defiance on the frontlines of the war on work. Administrative Science Quarterly, in press. [download]
Petriglieri G. 2020. This is why we can’t have nice things: We are stuck with leaders… or managers. Commentary on Kniffin, Detert, & Leroy (2020). Academy of Management Discoveries, in press. [download]
Petriglieri G. 2019. Book review essay: The real winners in the arms race for global talent. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64 (3): NP24-NP29. [download]
Petriglieri G. 2015. Book review of Disrupt or be disrupted: a blueprint for change in management education. Academy of Management Learning & Education, 14: 133-139. [download]
Petriglieri G. & DeRue, D.S. 2013. (Curators). Virtual Collection on ‘How can business schools develop leaders?’ Academy of Management Learning & Education. [link]
Petriglieri, G. 2010. Book review of ‘Explorations in transactional analysis: The Meech Lake papers.’ Transactional Analysis Journal, 40 (1), 76-77 [download]
* All links are provided here for personal use only.